Grow your wealth
one property at a time
Invest in one of the most sought-after asset classes, with as little as $5,000

Co-own an income-generating, multifamily property
No advisory fees, complicated structures or heavy lifting

How it works

Multifamily property (static)
Select investment properties
Select one or more multi-family rental property that aligns with your goals: target more consistent monthly income or higher overall returns. Invest as little as $5,000 per property.
Coral signed paperwork
Become an owner
Digitally sign your paperwork, and send your payment. We make it as easy (and straightforward) as possible. No hefty fees, no complex structures. Coral co-invests alongside our investors for 10% ownership of each property, keeping our interests aligned.
Get tax-efficient, passive income
As your renters pay rent, you get your share of the rental income (minus expenses) distributed into your bank account each month. Our investments target 5-7% annual return on your investment in tax-efficient* income.
*Tax-efficient, you say? The value of the building can be depreciated, allowing you to write-off over 3% of the property's value each year (in addition to the cash expenses).
Track progress, build knowledge
Take a virtual visit to your property, track the progress of renovations, check-in on occupancy rates, monitor changes in the local market and check-in on your operating partner. You'll know how and when your property makes money, how it's performing, what fees you're paying and what's ahead.

Build expertise in real estate investing as you build your real estate portfolio.
All capital appreciation goes to you
To increase the value of the property Coral executes a proven, simple plan to raise net operating income: making the income increase and/or expenses decrease. Higher net operating income increases the value of the property. You can realize this increase in property value through a refinancing event or the ultimate sale of the property.

As an owner you benefit from 100% of this asset appreciation. Your potential returns have no limit, and no extra fee (profit split).

Two types of returns

Coral properties are income-generating with the potential to further appreciate. These investments aim to generate returns through a combination of both tax-efficient passive income and capital gains.
Tax-Efficient Passive Income

Coral focuses on income-generating, multi-family rental properties. As a fractional owner, you are entitled to your pro-rata portion of any net income earned and distributed, which is paid out on a monthly basis.

We target 5-7% Cash on Cash
Capital Gains from Appreciation

To increase the value of the property Coral executes a proven, simple plan to raise rental rates, and ultimately income. When the property appreciates, you realize your pro-rata portion of these gains through a refinancing event or the ultimate sale of the property.

Overall Returns

The combination of passive income and capital gains makes up your overall investment return. Depending on the property, the composition of your return will look different.

We target an IRR of 12-15%

Break free from advisory fees

No asset management fees
No profit share
Typical real estate investing platforms and solutions (including REITs) charge expensive advisory fees and take a cut out of your profits. We don't. With Coral, you get all the benefits of a DIY approach without any of the headaches. Learn more about our fees.

High-quality properties
in great locations

Selected, vetted and invested in by Coral

We focus exclusively on stable geographic areas with hard-to-replicate attributes. We love areas with high demand from high-quality tenants, but constrained supply of rental properties. As a thriving biotech hub with constrained supply due to regulations, the Boston-Cambridge area is our core market. International is on the horizon.

We purchase properties are already generating income and have potential to further appreciate, and we invest alongside of you for 10% equity ownership.

Managed by Coral

We budget and plan any renovations prior to the purchase of the property, and execute with our in-house construction team. We professionally manage these properties in-house as well.

“If you don’t find a way
to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”
— Warren Buffett

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